Drumming Deliberations: Rehearsal 13th October 2008

October 14, 2008 at 3:52 pm (Silverthorn)

So we were rehearsing last night and we were practicing a newish song of ours. We all made a few mistakes but it’s a sad fact for Adam that drumming mistakes are always the most noticeable.  Afterwards he referred to the mistake in his ‘eight bar solo’ to which we reminded him that it was actually 8 beats (that is, 2 bars), as we’d never let him have such a long solo, to which he replied that ‘I don’t know anything about music’.  Later on he admitted that ‘I can’t count’.  At least he’s honest enough to admit it.  Anyway, am considering buying him the following from Amazon to give him some help:

Leapfrog "Learn and Groove" Maracas


Yes, it’s Leapfrog’s “Learn and Groove” Maracas.  It seemed the perfect gift until I discovered that they are bilingual counting maracas, in English and French! So actually it’s probably too advanced… Will keep looking.                                          

                                                                                    – Ruth

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